An Extraordinary Quest To Discover
If There Is Still A Little Magic Left Out There
Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” introduces two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left out there. “The story is inspired by my own relationship with my brother and our connection with our dad who passed away when I was about a year old,” says director Dan Scanlon. “He’s always been a mystery to us. A family member sent us a tape recording of him saying just two words: ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye.’ Two words. But to my brother and me—it was magic.
“That was the jumping-off point,” continues Scanlon. “We’ve all lost someone, and if we could spend one more day with them—what an exciting opportunity that would be. We knew that if we wanted to tell that story that we’d have to set the movie in a world where you could have that incredible opportunity.”
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Trailer 2

Ian Lightfoot
Ian a newly 16-year-old elf, yearns for the father he lost back before he was born. Ian is sweet and determined with the best of intentions, but his lack of confidence and nervous energy trips him up more often than not. Ian is convinced that if only he had his father’s guidance, his life wouldn’t be so complicated and messy. “Ian is the everyman,” says Scanlon. “He’s a little introverted like I am. He’s a logical kid, practical. He understands the world he lives in and just wants to fit into that world—especially at age 16. He doesn’t want to change the world. He’d rather go unnoticed.”
Barley Lightfoot
Barley is a big, burly and boisterous 19-year-old elf who loves magic and immerses himself in role-playing fantasy game play. He’s a free spirit who may be slightly more passionate about the past than the present—and he’ll fight to the death, so to speak, to preserve historical landmarks. But because he's so focused on the past, he struggles to find success in the present. Says head of story Kelsey Mann, “Barley is way more focused on leveling up his character in Quests of Yore than he is in his own life. Barley’s character may be able to slay any beast in the game, but in real life he struggles to hold down a job."
Laurel Lightfoot (Mom)
Laurel Lightfoot is a hardworking, sardonic and devoted single mom who throws herself whole-heartedly into everything she does. Laurel lost her husband years ago, but her drive and determination helped her overcome the hardship and make the most of her life with her much-loved sons, Ian and Barley. “Her true gift is that she’s amazing at mothering each son—and they’re as different as they can be—in the way they need to be mothered,” says Rae. “She can be tough and crazy like Barley, and still be sensitive and subdued with Ian.”
Wilden Lightfoot (Dad)
Wilden Lightfoot is the late father of Barley and Ian. A smart, confident and determined man, Dad discovered a creative, albeit fantastic way to reconnect with his sons long after his passing. An ancient staff and magical spell reveal Dad’s plan that allows Ian and Barley to conjure him for 24 hours. But magic, it turns out, is far from a perfect science and the boys are only able to bring back half of their dad, the bottom half, on first pass. That half joins them on a quest to retrieve a Phoenix Gem in an effort to fully conjure Dad before time runs out.
Says Scanlon, “We kept asking, ‘How can we give these brothers a glimpse of Dad without actually meeting him right away?’ That’s where the idea of creating half a dad came from. It was like that message I got on tape from my dad—it’s just a little taste of that person, and it makes you want more.”
The Manticore (Corey)
The Manticore is at least a thousand years old, but that’s just middle-aged for her species. Part lion, part bat and part scorpion, the Manticore was once a fearless warrior and proprietor of a dark and mysterious tavern that served as a waystation for travelers embarking on epic quests. But as modern conveniences replaced magic and any need for quests, the Manticore tapped her practical side, transforming her tavern into a family-friendly restaurant with family-friendly games and fried foods aplenty.
Officer Colt Bronco
Colt follows the rules and sincerely expects those around him to respect authority like he does. Half horse and half man, Colt is strong and commanding, but unaware of the destruction he typically leaves in his full-bodied wake. He treasures his relationship with Laurel Lightfoot, and earnestly wants to connect with her two sons, Ian and Barley. “Colt is a cop, but he has a soft underbelly,” says Rae. “He’s a standup guy.”
Guinevere is more than just a van—she’s Barley’s mighty steed! Built from the ground up by Barley himself, the groovy purple van is a bit rundown, but spectacularly decked her out with crescent moon windows and a Pegasus mural. So, of course Barley calls on Guinevere to shepherd them on their epic quest. “He built her without a manual or really any automotive knowledge,” says Scanlon. “And the end result reflects that.”
Blazey is the Lightfoots’ pet dragon. Friendly and more than a little hyperactive, she can wreak havoc with just a wag of her tail or a spark of her fire breath. “The original, fire-breathing dragons among the knights evolved into domesticated house pets,” says Talbot. “Blazey is almost like a snake with legs and wings. She has a giant tongue and pants like a dog.”
Unicorns aren’t the graceful and majestic creatures they once were. The dumpster-diving vermin of New Mushroomton are often seen eating garbage and hissing at anyone who poses a threat to their stinky stash.

Trust Bridge
Among the locations the brothers encounter on their quest is an old drawbridge, which marks a pivotal point in their journey. “This scene is really the moment when we move from the familiar into the full fantasy world,” says Klocek.
Artists placed the rising sun and soft clouds in the sky on one side of an expansive, bottomless pit. Imposing mountains and dark clouds can be seen on the other side. The pit, says Klocek, is “big and foreboding.”
Ian is charged with pulling off his biggest spell yet to cross the massive crevasse with nothing but his own faith beneath his feet. “It comes at a crucial point in the film,” says producer Kori Rae. “Ian is put to the test—not only to face his fears, summon courage he’s not sure he has and step out over a bottomless pit—but to trust his brother like never before. It’s a terrifying scene to watch—especially if you’re afraid of heights, and honestly, even if you’re not.”
The décor inside the homes is mostly familiar—with some notable exceptions. The shape of the interior had to match the exterior, so artists studied cob houses—organic structures using ancient building techniques—that had similar shapes to those in New Mushroomton. Details within the home embraced the fantasy backdrop, too. For example, the backsplash and door handles in the Lightfoot home have an elf design.

Familiar Fantasy
“In many ways, it’s a story about rebalancing,” says director Dan Scanlon. “Usually fantasy films take place long ago in a very noble time in a very beautiful land. There was something unique about seeing these characters in a world that’s familiar to us. It’s fun to imagine them riding skateboards, taking the bus, watching TV or playing video games. It’s something we haven't seen before—it’s such a juxtaposition watching an elf have to take his kid to soccer practice.”
According to production designer Noah Klocek, filmmakers spent a lot of time defining what a modern fantasy setting might look like. “While it’s a fantasy movie, it’s not about being a fantasy movie,” he says. “It’s a story of these two brothers and the journey they go on,” he says. “Where we landed is that it’s the fantastic and the familiar—it’s the balance of those things.”Filmmakers were inspired by the Los Angeles region, ultimately deciding to locate their fantasy suburb in a fictional location similar to the area. “It’s like Los Feliz of maybe 20 years ago,” says Klocek. “We also looked at Frogtown near L.A. and suburbs of Sacramento, too.”