C O M P A N Y F A Q’ S
Pixar does not accept any kind of creative submission. All of Pixar’s ideas and stories are developed internally and it is our policy not to look at any external submissions. For legal reasons we do not consider any creative material (scripts, synopses, sketches, etc.) sent to us unsolicited.
Pixar was established on February 3, 1986.
Due to production demands and confidentiality issues, we are a closed studio and do not offer tours.
We receive a large number of requests for information in connection with student projects; unfortunately, we are not able to respond to each one individually. This website, however, contains answers to many of the most commonly asked questions about Pixar, our employees, the work that is done at our studio, and information about the animation industry as a whole.
Pixar's charitable giving supports local charitable organizations and schools that directly focus on the under-represented in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM).
We receive many requests for donations that meet these criteria and take a great deal of care in determining which initiatives to support. Regrettably, we are not able to accommodate all of the worthy requests we receive or requests that fall outside of our mission.
Pixar does not have a scholarship program at this time.
Please visit Disney Investor Relations online.